

alias Tina Reaper-Schneider, born on the 9th March 1979 in Schweinfurt (Bavaria), artistically active since approx. 1995

Milestones of her artistic development

1982 creative children's hands bring colourful sketches to paper
1988 first child-course in silk painting - the beginning of a passion
  numerable art courses covering diverse styles were to follow
1997 parallel to apprenticeship, intensive further education with Munich artists
seit 2000 concentration on abstract painting and further development of favourite techniques
2006 winner of the Bavarian artist prize "Baustelle Lenbach" (3rd place)

The art from Tina Reaper-Schneider is a forging of the two styles expressionism and tachisme.

Her style is for the most part abstract. Corresponding to the titles however, there is also a figurative level.

The often cursory brush-strokes depict the "fast-lane" lifesytle and the fractive cognition which
characterise our present world.

Abstraktina's technique is individual, layering generous amounts of bold colours of paint repeatedly.
This doesn't just lend the art-work a strongly expressive effect but also an idiosynchratic,
aestheticially pleasing sequence.